Sewaktu saya bertemu kembali dengan teman lama walau hanya di alam maya dan dia menceritakan kepada saya keadaannya. Saya agak teruja apabila mendapati bahawa dia kini sudah bergelar seorang ayah walaupun dalam usia yang begitu muda.Siapa sangka hampir beberapa tahun tidak jumpa banyak kisah yang ingin diceritakan. Saya begitu gembira apabila dia kini sudah berkahwin dan dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata. Tahniah teman. Moga kebahagian milik kamu.

Apa yang saya kagumi faktor umur bukanlah penghalang bagi ikatan sebuah perkahwinan. Teringat saya kembali kepada sejarah dan cerita SAIDATINA Siti Khadijah binti Khuwailid atau Khadijah al Kubra wanita yang harus dikagumi oleh kita semua.
Beliau ialah anak perempuan pasangan Khuwailid bin Asad dan Fatimah binti Zaidah berasal daripada kabilah Bani Asad dari suku kaum Quraisy namun dikatakan bapanya itu terbunuh dalam peperangan Fujjar. Siti Khadijah sebelum mengahwini Rasulullah pernah berkahwin sebanyak dua kali, iaitu perkahwinan pertamanya bersama Ais atau Atiq bin Abid dan mendapat dua orang anak iaitu Abdullah dan Jariyah dan perkahwinan keduanya, adalah dengan Abu Halah bin Malik dan mempunyai anak iaitu Hindun dan Zainab.
Kedua-dua suaminya meninggal dunia menyebabkan Siti Khadijah menjadi janda atau balu sebelum berkahwin dengan Nabi Muhammad. Begitupun dikatakan Siti Khadijah telah puas menolak lamaran daripada ramai lelaki Quraisy yang kaya, berkedudukan tinggi dan berpengaruh besar di Kota Mekah sebaik sahaja kematian suami keduanya itu. Ini termasuklah pinangan daripada Uqbah bin Abi Muith, Abu Jahal dan Abu Suffyan.
Soalnya mengapa? Adakah kerana Siti Khadijah sudah tertutup hatinya dengan mana-mana lelaki untuk dijadikan pasangan hidup atau beliau berharap agar lelaki yang bakal dikahwini merupakan Nabi Muhammad. Namun kerana beberapa keadaan, beliau terpaksa memendam perasaannya itu terhadap pemuda yang sering menjadi sebutan penduduk Mekah itu.
Kita tidak dapat mengenalpasti jarak dan masa antara Siti Khadijah menjanda sehingga beliau mengenali Rasulullah yang menyebabkan beliau menolak kesemua lamaran-lamaran tersebut. Namun apa yang jelas, Siti Khadijah yang pada mulanya hanya mengenali Nabi Muhammad pada nama sahaja akhirnya benar-benar jatuh hati terhadap pemuda itu apabila mendengarkan segala kisah-kisah seperti yang diceritakan oleh hambanya, Maisarah sebelum ini.
Iaitu kisah keperibadian baginda yang sangat mulia dan kebijaksanaan Nabi dalam menguruskan dan menjayakan misi dagang ke Syam. Siti Khadijah benar-benar telah jatuh hati dan terpikat terhadap Nabi dan telah menyebabkan hatinya terbuka untuk mendirikan rumah tangga walaupun dengan seorang pemuda yang tidak punya apa-apa itu.
Malah dikatakan perasaan beliau terhadap Nabi Muhammad itu tidak boleh ditahan-tahan atau dihalang-halang lagi sehingga beliau berkata: "Jika segala kenikmatan hidup diserahkan kepadaku, dunia dan kekuasaan para raja Iran (Parsi) dan Rumawi diberikan kepadaku, tetapi aku tidak hidup bersama Muhammad, maka semua itu bagiku tidak lebih berharga daripada sebelah sayap seekor nyamuk".
Sehingga begitu sekali perasaan Siti Khadijah terhadap Nabi. Tetapi pernahkah Siti Khadijah sendiri meluahkan perasaannya itu terhadap tuan badan? Ibnu Hisyam dalam kitabnya Sirah Ibnu Hisyam (halaman 204), mencatatkan bahawa Siti Khadijah sendiri dikatakan pernah bertemu bagi menyatakan perasaannya terhadap Nabi Muhammad dengan berkata: "Saudaraku, mengingatkan hubungan yang ada di antara kita (bangsa Quraisy) dan kebesaran serta kemuliaan saudara di kalangan kaum serta kejujuran, akhlak terpuji dan sifat lurus dan amanah yang ada pada saudara maka saya sangat ingin untuk hidup bersama dengan berkahwin dengan saudara wahai Muhammad!"
Banyak lagi yang perlu kita fahami disebalik cerita dan sejarah seorang wanita yang dicintai Nabi S.A.W. Jika dulu faktor umur menjadi persoalan dalam sebuah ikatan perkahwinan dan kini pada saya itu tidak lagi. Apatah lagi apabila lelaki lebih muda berbanding wanita. Pandangan ini apa yang saya rasakan. Kita merancangan dan ALLAH jua yang menentukan. doa dan usaha itu perlu dalam apa jua keadaan dan kita pastinya mengharapkan yang terbaik.
Masih tidak terlambat saya ucapkan selamat berbahagia buat teman saya. Walaupun agak lapuk berita yang baru saya ketahui. Faktor umur bukan penghalang apabila teman saya baru sahaja menjangkau usia sebaya saya dan isterinya lebih jauh umurnya. Saya doakan kebahagian untuk kalian.
Terimalah pasangan anda dengan redha dan puas hati. Bersangka baiklah terhadap Allah S.W.T Maha Suci yang telah menentukan jodoh kita. Jangan diungkit-ungkit kekurangan pasangan anda. Yakinlah bahawa tiap sesuatu itu sudah ditentukan oleh Allah dan mempunyai pelbagai hikmah yang kadang-kadang kita tidak faham.
Dari sebuah hadis yang dipetik:
Rasulullah S. A. W. bersabda maksudnya: “Janganlah seorang lelaki mukmin membenci isterinya yang beriman. Bila ada perangai yang tidak disukai, dia pasti redha (menyenangi) perangainya yang lain (kebaikan)”.
Baru berapa tahun tak jumpa dah ada yang kawen
Lau berpuluh tahun tak jumpa.Dah ada cucu agak ye..hehe..
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tulisan ini untuk teman aku..
pakcik dan makcik usah riso deh =p
lambat lagi
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With the increasing popularity of facebook poker chips as a virtual currency in facebook texas holdem poker game a lot of phishers have engaged themselves, who try their best to trick unsuspecting players out of their hard earned myspace poker chips. All over the internet forums are littered with posts by innocent people who have had their poker chips stolen. Nothing is as sorry state as logging to Facebook or MySpace to play a few hands of poker only to find that someone has already been in your account and your poker chips are gone.[/color]
[color=#ffeeff]Keep these basic things in mind to protect your facebook poker chips:
Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a pretending star in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.
Be careful about what you download: Serious online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an advantage on their opponents. Poker is no different and there are plenty of websites on the internet touting facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.
Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Phishers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the scammer who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.
YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.
Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by phisher, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.
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The advent of simulcasting in the nineties made it possible for tracks to increase their own handle while boosting their revenues by accepting wagers on races from other tracks. Legalization of off-track betting facilities, phone wagering and internet wagering has created a climate where over 87% of the handle is now generated off-track. This may hurt race tracks' hot dog and popcorn sales, but should lead to increased profitability.
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Perhaps the most important factor is the distance of these races, the Derby is a mile and a quarter (10 furlongs), the Preakness, a mile and three sixteenths (9.5 furlongs) and the Belmont at a mile and a half (12 furlongs) is the longest of the three. The horses that survive their attempt at the Triple Crown will seldom, if ever, compete at these distances again. And yes, survival is a consideration. Many Triple Crown hopefuls are never able to compete again after the Belmont, even potential superstars such as Smarty Jones in 2004.
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Overall, the majority of people feel that the United States is missing the boat on this matter. Instead of simply regulating the industry like the rest of the countries in the world, they are trying to get rid of it altogether. This may have some benefits, but for the most part there is a chance that it could end up back firing. It will be interesting to see what the Senate decides to do in the upcoming months.
So, having established that using a good Selection System is an absolute must if you want to make money from sports betting, how does the average Bettor actually go about making his/her betting selections? My research shows me that, in the main (ignoring the extremes), there are generally two approaches taken:
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DVD to VCD converter-easy way to convert DVD to VCD
How to convert DVD to VCD ? if you want a DVD to VCD converter to convert your favorite DVD to VCD formats, I hope this article may do help to you. In this article, I shall guide you step-by-step how to convert DVD to VCD with Xilisoft DVD ripper. Before we start the guide, I think it is necessary to have a brief introduction of this powerful DVD Ripper.
Introduction of Xiisoft DVD Ripper:
Xilisoft DVD Ripper is powerful DVD ripping software which helps you rip DVD to VCD, DivX, AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, VOB, MP3, WMA and other popular video and audio formats with super fast DVD ripping speed and excellent quality.
Compared with other DVD ripping software, it has more settings you can customize, such as rip DVD by custom file size, split output file to fit your CD-R, rip DVD's any segment, select target subtitle and audio track, etc. The DVD ripping software provides you brand-new experience in dvd ripping, rip DVD to VCD, DVD to DivX, DVD to AVI with its super fast ripping speed and wonderful output quality within a few clicks.
Ripping DVD to VCD, DivX, AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, VOB, MP3, WMA, etc; Ripping DVD by custom file size; Auto-split output file to several files to fit CD-R; Output file size is adjustable. You can compress movies to any size you need; Sound normalization. Normalizes sound levels of DVD; Allow you to select target subtitle and audio track; Support preview. You can see the DVD ripping progress in preview window.
step-by-step: how to convert DVD to VCD with Xilisoft DVD Ripper:
Step 1. Free download it, install and run it.
Step 2 . Clik DVD button, input DVD into Xilisoft DVD Ripper.
In the Profile option: choose Super videoCD Format(*.vob) as the output file.
Step 3. Click Ripping button to start convert DVD to VCD supported formats.
Well, we have successfully convert DVD to VCD supported formats, next you do, is just put the converted vob files onto your can free download Xilisoft DVD Ripper to convert DVD to VCD now!
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It appears each 12 weeks persons begin looking before and before for Christmas. Final calendar year I started out on the starting of October and had all of the exposes wrapped from the end with the month. This calendar year I started out even sooner to carry benefit of the couple of outlets providing mid 12 several weeks product sales.
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Why Store Before
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But in various instances, for those who maintain your eyes open, you may get far better offers through the slow or off season, retail smart. Somewhat a number of mobile phone producers launch their most recent types through the center belonging to the yr. This indicates that previous versions is going to be heading at rock bottom costs about two several weeks prior to the launch in the replacement.
Some consumers carry buying before towards the severe but hunting proper right after the holidays for any subsequent holidays. Post vacation product sales are occasionally even much better than pre-holiday product sales as departmental retailers make an effort to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous discount rates.
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The Gift Conundrum
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